Sample of Alex Merced's Published JS Libraries


This is my main Front-End UI library built around the Web Component API with tools to create reactive components, local and global state management, tools for forms, capturing element props and url queries, and component routing.

npx create-mercedui-app projectName


MercedElement is a class to create WebComponents which is at the core of the MercedUI library, this library only includes MercedElement for those who don't need the other bells and whistles.

npm install mercedelement


ChainElement is a web component class that creates reactive components but also passes url queries and global data to its components at render. This is a standalone library, this class IS NOT part of the MercedUI library.

npm install chainelement


MercedUtils is a library that add several useful tools and functions to the array prototype. If you prefer these functions not be added to the array prototype use the Bettertypes or mUtils library as an alternative.

npm install mercedutils


BetterTypes offers many of the same utilities that MercedUtils does but does through new classes vs adding functions to the array and string prototypes.

npm install @alexmerced/bettertypes


A Utility library of utility classes that extend Sets, Arrays and help work with Random Numbers.

npm install mutils_am


BasicElement aims to be the simplest possible extension to HTMLElement adding react like state and props and nothing else...

npx merced-spinup basicelement projectName


ComponentZoo aims to house all the HTMLElement extended classes from all my other libraries and more including a Router Component, StyleWrapper Component (think styled components), and FormWrapper (FormTool as a Component).

npx merced-spinup componentzoo projectName


Allows you to make web component in a functional style that enables the creation of hooks.

npx create-funcomponent-app projectName


A class based front-end UI library for creating components without the web-component api or other tooling like Babel or JSX.

npx merced-spinup mblocks projectName

superFunc UI

A function based front-end UI library for creating components without the web-component api or other tooling like Babel or JSX.

npx merced-spinup superfunc projectName


A tool for quickly generating lightweight react projects, think of it as a slimmer create-react-app.

npx merced-reactor projectName js or npx merced-reactor projectName ts


A tool for generating a Vue project with Router and the Buefy component library already configured.

npx merced-vuer projectName


A library for having basic reactive UI features in a small package.

npx merced-spinup renderblocks projectName


A Web Component Library for building reactive and styling web components.

npx create-amponent-app projectName


A tool for spinning up a projects in several different backend and frontend frameworks, read the docs to see the full list of templates.

npx merced-spinup templateName projectName


A MicroWebserver framework for building APIs and Microservices.

npx merced-spinup merver projectName


A mini React library for scaffolding Application level state in React.

npm install usedatastore


Tool for scaffolding a fullstack NodeJS application using a variety of frontend and backend applications with ease. Read the documentation for full list of templates.

npx make-fullstack-app backendTemplate frontendTemplate


Library for making a full CRUD API with Mongoose and Express in one line of code

npm install mongorester


Library of custom hooks for Application Level State, binding Local/Session storage to state, and Semantic Lifecycle Hooks.

npm install merced-react-hooks


Library for assisting with using Knex and Objection to work with SQL Databases.

npm install konjection


Tool for generating a markdown blog.

npx create-markdown-blog template projectName


Web Component Based Frontend Library

npx create-ezcomponent-app projectName


Node Colored Logging Utility

npm install mercedlogger


Framework Agnostic Hook Similar to Reacts useContext that can be used in any framework

npm install datawarp


Framework Agnostic Event Driven State Management Library

npm install evolveui


A Library for Pattern Matching in Javascript

npm install alexmerced-patternmatcher


Specialized EventEmitter Class with Asynchromous Middleware

npm install mercedevents


Bind logic when values change

npm install logicbind


A Library for Pattern Matching in Javascript

npm install make-graphql-query


A Light OOP layer on Express

npm install merced-express-oop


Server Library to SimpleRPC Framework

npm install @alexmerced/simplerpc-server


Client Library to SimpleRPC Framework

npm install @alexmerced/simplerpc-client


Backend Framework Built on Express for Easy GraphQL/RPC

npm install coquito


CLI took for scaffolding Coquito apps

npm install -g coquito-cli


A JSON File Based Document Database

npm install sencillodb


Pattern Matching Library for Javascript

npm install pattern-match-expression